

Right after the Neckarbrücke Neckar Bridge on the corner to Gartenstrasse, facing the Neckarmüller there is a Turkish restaurant called Kalender, where you can order high quality döner kebap called "Scheibendöner".

Al Dente

An excellent but usually overbooked Italian restaurant is the Al Dente below the main church; try the pizza with fresh tomatoes.

Vor dem Haagtor 1

On haagtorplatz, serves large pizzas for about 5 euro.


Just on the south side of the neckarbruecke, serves some of the best turkish food in town.

Burgsteige 18

One of the more special places to eat is the Mauganeschtle, right next to the castle, with a nice small garden above the city. It specializes in a special Swabian dish called "Maultasche" which is basically a large ravioli and comes in all different kinds of flavors. The restaurant is a bit posh and a little on the costly side, though. (http://www.mauganeschtle.de/)

Wok In
Wilhelmstrasse 22

On wilhelmstr. just by the lustnauer tor bus stop, serves filling, if mediocre, chinese dishes at bargain prices.

El Chico

In the same building as the neckarmueller, serves passable mexican food by german standards. prices are about 10 euro per dish.


On metzgergasse, serves tasty vegetarian lebanese food.

Lange Gasse 4

Their kitchen is open past midnight and the food is good and cheap around 5 Euro per meal. They have pizza, pasta, and a few other things. Doubles as a bar and live music venue. Nice atmosphere.


Get the best french fries in town from X on Kornhausstrasse take Marktgasse off the Marktplatz, it will take you straight to it. In summer time, hundreds of students do this, and take them along with a beer to the market place and spend a warm summer's night right there, squatting on the cobblestones.

Eiscafe San Marco

In the nonnenhaus, serves huge ice cream dishes, including a plate of spaghetti made of ice cream, ice cream "hamburgers" etc. eiscafe san marco

At night

There are only a few places where you still can get something to eat: "x" near the marketplace, mcdonalds drive-through on the road to reutlingen, burger king at the train station, a small italian take away in mã¼hlstrasse, a dã¶ner kebap next to the epple-haus central bus station is opened until 4 a.m. on the week-ends, and of course any fuel station.

Across the street from the city administrative building is a Thai market that serves dishes for about 5 euro. Standing room only.

On Lange Gasse, just below the Stiftskirche, is an Indian market/restaurant that has inexpensive lunch specials.